Responding to Chargebacks

  Last updated: 

When you receive notice of a Chargeback incurred against one of your transactions, you can either Accept the decision or Challenge by following the Re-Presentment process described below:

  If you accept the decision, no further action is necessary, although we do recommend taking steps to address any concerns raised to reduce the likelihood of further Chargebacks in future.

Best practices on preventing future Chargebacks

  Do not issue a credit if a Chargeback has been received as the customer will have already received the dispute amount when the dispute was raised.

Even if the customer contacts you to inform you that they intend to withdraw the Chargeback, we still recommend proceeding with Re-Presentment as described below to ensure your rights are preserved.


How to challenge a Chargeback


To challenge a Chargeback, you will need to submit evidence that counters the evidence provided by the card issuer to justify the Chargeback. This process is known as Re-Presentment.

  Processed transactions can be identified by the unique Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) assigned by a card network (e.g. Visa or Mastercard). The ARN is essential for tracking and resolving issues with transactions, as it helps facilitate communication between various entities involved in the transaction process, including merchants, acquirers, issuers, and card networks.

The evidence necessary to successfully challenge and overturn a Chargeback is dependent on the reason the Chargeback was issued. We recommend that you identify the Reason Code and refer to our guidance on the most appropriate evidence to submit.

Evidence should be submitted in a single document that meets the following requirements:

  • The file name should be the Acquirer Reference Number (ARN), e.g. “Representment / challenge - 85297866356650683623606”
  • Format must be PDF.
  • File size 10MB or less.
  • Maximum of 18 pages.
  • All content must be written in English.
  • Do not include full card numbers.
    Masked card numbers are acceptable:
    e.g. "0000 00## #### 0000"

If you receive another Chargeback relating to the same transaction (as identified by the unique ARN), this indicates that the card issuer has moved the dispute to the next stage meaning, this requires acceptance or further challenge (if the particular reason code allows).

Alternatively, if you do not receive further communication within the expected time frame, you can consider the dispute won.

  Card schemes define timescales that you must adhere to when providing documentation to dispute a claim. Please ensure your documentation is submitted within the timescales provided by Trust Payments.


Fraud Notifications


A fraud notification is when a cardholder has reported their card as lost or stolen to their issuing bank. With this, the card issuer has a duty to review transactions that they consider to be potentially fraudulent and report these to the card scheme fraud databases. Card issuers may look for transactions that fall outside of normal spending patterns, such as high-value transactions, new subscription services, etc.

  Visa operate the TC40 database and Mastercard operate the SAFE database.

If you have received a fraud notification, it is not a chargeback and does not require any Re-presentment / Challenge action. These records can be used for your own internal fraud monitoring or to proactively contact the cardholder to enquire if there's an issue.

If a Chargeback is raised against a Fraud Notification, you will receive a Chargeback Notification.

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