Chargebacks Centre

What are Chargebacks?

Chargebacks are transactions that are reversed or refunded, usually initiated by the cardholder through their issuing bank. This results in the funds being pulled back from the merchant.

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Chargeback Dispute Overview

When challenging a Chargeback, all parties must follow the procedures defined by the relevant card networks.

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Chargeback Fee Guidance

When a Chargeback case is filed, fees may be accrued as part of the resolution process. This help article provides details on when these fees are applied and how the amounts are calculated.

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Chargeback Reason Codes

Chargebacks are assigned standardised reason codes that explain why the reversal was initiated. Here we provide resources on how to properly handle and respond to the different chargeback reason codes.

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Checking for Chargebacks

Follow these instructions to view further details about Chargebacks that have been issued.

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Responding to Chargebacks

When you receive a chargeback, you can opt to provide counterevidence in order to dispute the claim. Submitting compelling, verifiable documentation in a timely manner is critical when attempting to overturn a chargeback.

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