Michael Buckley
I work on the Technical Specialist team based in Bangor.
Payment pages customer email
This action is used to send an email to the customer’s billing email address following a Payment Pages transaction, when the associated condition(s) has been met (e.g. for successful transactions)....
Payment Pages transaction journeys
After the customer agrees to a purchase on your checkout, the customer is redirected to the Payment Pages, hosted by Trust Payments. This section describes the main workflows available to you: ...
Statement search
The “Statement search” page allows you to search for and view merchant statements. Required user roles Site admin, View only transactions, fees and merchant statements To use this functional...
Payment pages merchant email
This feature is available to merchants using our TRU Connect gateway. This page explains the "Payment pages merchant email" Action type that can be configured in the Rule Manager. Remember: T...
Subscriptions with Adobe Commerce
When adding a product to your site, you can also add subscriptions and manage them. Configuring subscriptions on a product To configure a subscription on a product, please follow the steps below:...
How do I protect myself against fraud?
Trust Payments offers a number of different tools to reduce the risk of fraud: 3-D Secure is performed on transactions made by credit/debit cards. The card issuer will perform a series of checks t...
MyBank for Payment Pages
MyBank is a real-time bank transfer system that operates in Italy. When processing a payment with MyBank, customers will be prompted to select their bank and then to sign in to their online banki...
Multibanco for Webservices API
Multibanco is a Portuguese online banking payment method. When selecting Multibanco, customers will be presented with two options. The first allows the customer to pay via online banking, by sign...
Payouts with Webservices API
The following content assumes you have obtained the necessary PCI certification to process and submit sensitive cardholder data in the request to our Webservices API.Read this article to learn m...
Incremental authorisations for Payment Pages
An incremental authorisation is used to increase the total amount to be paid by the customer, if it is not known at time of authorisation. It is an additional request submitted using Portal, which ...