The following content assumes you have obtained the necessary PCI certification to process and submit sensitive cardholder data in the request to our Webservices API.
Read this article to learn more.
An incremental authorisation is used to increase the total amount to be paid by the customer for a transaction that was previously authorised but not yet settled. It is an additional request submitted using the Webservices API that can be used to seek authorisation for additional funds. If authorised successfully, this request will automatically update the settle amount of the transaction in question.
You can only process incremental authorisations with Visa-branded cards.
Incremental authorisations are supported for merchants with a Trust Payments acquiring account and supported MCC codes
Your account must be assigned one of the following Merchant Category Codes (MCC) to be eligible to use incremental authorisations:
3351-3999, 4111, 4112, 4121, 4131, 4411, 5812, 5813, 7011, 7033, 7394, 7512, 7513, 7519, 7996, 7999
If you are using a different acquiring bank, you will need to contact our Support Team to check this feature is supported before proceeding.
A previously-authorised payment is required
Incremental authorisations require a parent pre-authorisation that meets the following criteria:
- Parent AUTH MUST have accounttypedescription= “ECOM” or “MOTO”.
- Parent AUTH MUST have authmethod = “PRE”.
- Parent AUTH MUST have settlestatus = 0 (pending automatic settlement),1 (pending manual settlement) or 2 (suspended).
Processing incremental authorisations
Incremental authorisations are processed by submitting additional AUTH requests using our Webservices API.
The following request example submits an incremental authorisation. This follows the same structure as a standard AUTH request, except for the following key differences:
- The authmethod field must be submitted with the value “INCREMENTAL”.
- The parenttransactionreference must contain a reference to a previously authorised payment, meeting the requirements outlined above.
- New incremental authorisations must be processed using the same card as the parent AUTH.
- New incremental authorisations must be processed using the same currency as the parent AUTH.
- New incremental authorisations must be processed using the same acquirer as the parent AUTH.
- New incremental authorisations cannot be processed using a parent AUTH that has been settled or cancelled.
import securetrading
stconfig = securetrading.Config()
stconfig.username = ""
stconfig.password = "Password1^"
st = securetrading.Api(stconfig)
auth = {
"sitereference": "test_site12345",
"requesttypedescriptions": ["AUTH"],
"baseamount": "10000",
"orderreference": "My_Order_123",
"authmethod": "INCREMENTAL",
"parenttransactionreference": "1-2-345678"
strequest = securetrading.Request()
stresponse = st.process(strequest) #stresponse contains the transaction response
if (!($autoload = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php')) && !($autoload = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'))) {
throw new Exception('Composer autoloader file could not be found.');
$configData = array(
'username' => '',
'password' => 'Password1^',
$requestData = array(
'sitereference' => 'test_site12345',
'requesttypedescriptions' => array('AUTH'),
'baseamount' => '10000',
'orderreference' => 'My_Order_123',
'authmethod' => 'INCREMENTAL',
'parenttransactionreference' => '1-2-345678'
$api = \Securetrading\api($configData);
$response = $api->process($requestData);
curl --user^ <DOMAIN>/json/ -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d '{
"version": "1.00",
"request": [{
"requesttypedescriptions": ["AUTH"],
"sitereference": "test_site12345",
"baseamount": "10000",
"orderreference": "My_Order_123",
"authmethod": "INCREMENTAL",
"parenttransactionreference": "1-2-345678"
<requestblock version="3.67">
<request type="AUTH">
Replace <DOMAIN>
with a supported domain. Click here for a full list.
Field specification
Field | Format | Description | |
authmethod XPath: /operation/authmethod |
Alpha (11) | For the incremental authorisation, this must be set to “INCREMENTAL”. | |
baseamount XPath: /billing/amount |
Numeric (13) | The amount associated with the incremental authorisation. Must be in base units, with no commas or decimal points, so £10 would be 1000. (Max length may vary depending on your acquiring bank – Contact your bank for further info) | |
parenttransactionreference XPath: /operation/parenttransactionreference |
Alphanumeric & hyphens (25) |
Submit the transactionreference of the “PRE” AUTH for which incremental authorisations are to be processed with. | |
requesttypedescriptions XPath: /@type |
Alpha (20) | You must submit “AUTH”. | |
sitereference XPath: /operation/sitereference |
Alphanumeric & underscore (50) |
The site reference relates to your individual account which you received on setup. If you do not know your site reference, please contact our Support Team. | |
credentialsonfile XPath: /operation/credentialsonfile |
Numeric (1) |
Can optionally be submitted as part of Visa’s Credentials on File (CoF) feature:
This follows the same specification as a standard AUTH response.
Field specification
Field | Format | Description | |
authmethod XPath: /operation/authmethod |
Alpha (11) | This is returned as “INCREMENTAL”. | |
baseamount XPath: /billing/amount |
Numeric (13) | The amount associated with the incremental authorisation. Returned in base units, with no commas or decimal points, so £10 would be 1000. | |
parenttransactionreference XPath: /operation/parenttransactionreference |
Alphanumeric & hyphens (25) |
The transactionreference of the “PRE” AUTH upon which the incremental authorisation was processed. | |
requesttypedescription XPath: /@type |
Alpha (20) | This is returned as “AUTH”. | |
credentialsonfile XPath: /operation/credentialsonfile |
Numeric (1) |
Indicates whether transaction is part of Visa’s Credentials on File (CoF) feature:
This field is returned if submitted in the request. |
Updating the transaction
- By performing successful incremental authorisations, the total amount authorised for the transaction is increased.
- At any time prior to settlement while the transaction is still pending, you can update the settle amount to be any value that is less than or equal to the total amount authorised.
- Ensure you are performing the refund using the original transaction as the parent rather than trying to action any of the individual incremental authorisations.
- When performing a refund, the system will automatically refund the customer using the total amount settled, including any additional funds added via incremental authorisations prior to settlement.