Request types

  Last updated: 

Every request submitted to Trust Payments must specify a requesttypedescription. We use the value of this field to determine the type of request to be processed. Please refer to the table below for a summary of the request types that we support:

Request type Supported account types Description
  • ECOM
  • MOTO
Performs basic checks on the card and billing address details submitted.
  • ECOM
  • MOTO
Performs a payment, which debits funds from the customer’s account.
For calculating the transaction amounts in both the currency associated with your site and the local currency associated with the customer’s card. This is to facilitate offering your customers the ability to complete purchases in their preferred currency.
ORDER (PayPal) ORDER (paysafecard)
  • ECOM
Initiate a new payment with PayPal or paysafecard.
  • ECOM
Retrieve the order details from PayPal, after the customer has signed in to their account and agreed to the payment on PayPal’s servers.
REFUND (Standard)
  • ECOM
  • MOTO
For transferring funds back to the customer.
REFUND (Payout)
  • CFT
For processing requests to our Protect Plus system, for purposes of highlighting payments with suspicious characteristics.
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