The Drop-In Controller includes customisation options, allowing you to tailor the appearance of your checkout to better fit the branding of your app. There are options that allow you to change the appearance of both the payment form, and also that of the overlay shown by the Access Control Server (ACS) as part of the 3-D Secure process.
Setting default style managers
let inputViewStyleManager = InputViewStyleManager.defaultLight()
let payButtonStyleManager = PayButtonStyleManager.defaultLight()
let dropInViewStyleManager = DropInViewStyleManager(
inputViewStyleManager: inputViewStyleManager,
requestButtonStyleManager: payButtonStyleManager,
backgroundColor: .white,
spacingBetweenInputViews: 25,
insets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 25, left: 35, bottom: -30, right: -35)
Style managers with all options
let inputViewStyleManager = InputViewStyleManager(
titleColor: UIColor.gray,
textFieldBackgroundColor: .clear,
textColor: .black,
placeholderColor: UIColor.lightGray.withAlphaComponent(0.8),
textFieldImageColor: .black,
titleFont: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16, weight: .regular),
textFont: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16, weight: .regular),
placeholderFont: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16, weight: .regular),
errorFont: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .regular),
textFieldImage: nil,
titleSpacing: 5,
errorSpacing: 3,
textFieldHeightMargins: HeightMargins(top: 10, bottom: 10),
textFieldBorderWidth: 1,
textFieldCornerRadius: 6
let payButtonStyleManager = PayButtonStyleManager(
titleColor: .white,
enabledBackgroundColor: .black,
disabledBackgroundColor: UIColor.lightGray.withAlphaComponent(0.6),
borderColor: .clear,
titleFont: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16, weight: .medium),
spinnerStyle: .medium,
spinnerColor: .white,
buttonContentHeightMargins: HeightMargins(top: 15, bottom: 15),
borderWidth: 0,
cornerRadius: 6
let dropInViewStyleManager = DropInViewStyleManager(
inputViewStyleManager: inputViewStyleManager,
requestButtonStyleManager: payButtonStyleManager,
backgroundColor: .white,
spacingBetweenInputViews: 25,
insets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 25, left: 35, bottom: -30, right: -35)
Parameter | Description | |
backgroundColor | The background colour of the Drop-In View. | |
inputViewStyleManager | Used to style the input views. | |
insets | Defines the insets (spacing) of the form relative to the parental view. | |
requestButtonStyleManager | Used to style the pay button. | |
spacingBetweenInputViews | The size of the spaces between all input views fields of the form. |
Parameter | Description | |
errorColor | The colour of the validation error. | |
errorFont | The font of the validation error. | |
errorSpacing | The distance of the error label from the text field. | |
placeholderColor | The colour of the placeholder. | |
placeholderFont | The font of the placeholder. | |
textColor | The colour of the text. | |
textFieldBackgroundColor | The background colour of the text field. | |
textFieldBorderColor | The border colour of the text field. | |
textFieldBorderWidth | The width of the text field border. | |
textFieldCornerRadius | The radius of the corner of the text field. | |
textFieldHeightMargins | The text field edge insets. This changes the height of the text field. | |
textFieldImage | Image displayed on left of text field. | |
textFieldImageColor | The colour of the text field image. | |
textFont | The font of the text. | |
titleColor | The colour of the title. | |
titleFont | The font of the title. | |
titleSpacing | The distance of the title label from the text field. |
Parameter | Description | |
borderColor | The colour of the button border. | |
borderWidth | The width of the button border. | |
buttonContentHeightMargins | The button content edge insets. This changes the height of the button. | |
cornerRadius | The radius of the corner of the button. | |
disabledBackgroundColor | The colour of the button when disabled. | |
enabledBackgroundColor | The colour of the button when enabled. | |
spinnerColor | The colour of the loading spinner. | |
spinnerStyle | The style of the loading spinner. | |
titleColor | The button title colour. | |
titleFont | The button title font. |
The following is an example of the view controller components for Cardinal Commerce (ACS):
let toolbarStyleManager = CardinalToolbarStyleManager(textColor: .black, textFont: nil, backgroundColor: .white, headerText: "Trust payment checkout", buttonText: nil)
let labelStyleManager = CardinalLabelStyleManager(textColor: .gray, textFont: nil, headingTextColor: .black, headingTextFont: nil)
let verifyButtonStyleManager = CardinalButtonStyleManager(textColor: .white, textFont: nil, backgroundColor: .black, cornerRadius: 6)
let continueButtonStyleManager = CardinalButtonStyleManager(textColor: .white, textFont: nil, backgroundColor: .black, cornerRadius: 6)
let resendButtonStyleManager = CardinalButtonStyleManager(textColor: .black, textFont: nil, backgroundColor: nil, cornerRadius: 0)
let textBoxStyleManager = CardinalTextBoxStyleManager(textColor: .black, textFont: nil, borderColor: .black, cornerRadius: 6, borderWidth: 1)
let cardinalStyleManager = CardinalStyleManager(toolbarStyleManager: toolbarStyleManager, labelStyleManager: labelStyleManager, verifyButtonStyleManager: verifyButtonStyleManager, continueButtonStyleManager: continueButtonStyleManager, resendButtonStyleManager: resendButtonStyleManager, textBoxStyleManager: textBoxStyleManager)
Parameter | Description | |
CardinalButtonStyleManager | Styling for the buttons on the form hosted by the ACS. | |
CardinalCancelButtonStyleManager | Styling for the cancel button on the form hosted by the ACS. | |
CardinalLabelStyleManager | Styling for the label on the form hosted by the ACS. | |
CardinalTextBoxStyleManager | Styling for the text box on the form hosted by the ACS. | |
CardinalToolbarStyleManager | Styling for the toolbar on the form hosted by the ACS. |
How to configure visibility of Drop-In View Controller components
DropInViewController has a property called visibleFields: [DropInViewVisibleFields].
You can use this to determine which input fields on the checkout form are visible to the customer (e.g. when performing a tokenised payment, you may wish to hide all but the security code fields). If you remove this parameter from the init function, then all fields will be visible. You can set all components in an array that you want to display.
The following are supported cases that can be included in visibleFields:
@objc public enum DropInViewVisibleFields: Int {
case pan = 0
case expiryDate
case cvv3
case cvv4
public static var `default`: [DropInViewVisibleFields] {
Include custom components to the Drop-In View Controller
This creates a view that conforms to the DropInViewProtocol if you want override the whole view.
If you want to add any custom view e.g. toggle button used for saving card details, billing & delivery views, then conform to the DropInView and add it to the stack hierarchy:
public override func setupViewHierarchy() {
stackView.insertArrangedSubview(saveCardOptionView, at: max(stackView.arrangedSubviews.count - 1, 0))
Customising error messages
You can specify alternative wording for error messages displayed to the customer in your app, overriding the default text displayed.
- Provide alternative wording to the default phrases returned to better reflect your brand’s voice.
- Provide additional info that may be specific to your business (e.g. including an order reference).
To specify custom wording, you will need to specify LocalizableKeys in the SDK initialisation. The following example shows how to provide custom wording for the input error keys, in the English language:
username: "username", gateway: .eu, environment: .staging, locale: Locale(identifier: "en_GB"), translationsForOverride: [
Locale(identifier: "en_GB"): [
LocalizableKeys.Errors.general.key: "Something went wrong",
LocalizableKeys.CardNumberInputView.error.key: "Invalid Pan",
LocalizableKeys.CardNumberInputView.emptyError.key: "Pan input empty",
LocalizableKeys.CVVInputView.error.key: "Security Code error",
LocalizableKeys.CVVInputView.emptyError.key: "Security Code empty",
LocalizableKeys.ExpiryDateInputView.error.key: "Expiration date error",
LocalizableKeys.ExpiryDateInputView.emptyError.key: "Expiration date empty"
List of all LocalizableKeys (including default text)
ublic enum LocalizableKeys {
// MARK: Pay Button
public enum PayButton: LocalizableKey {
case title
case ataPayByBank
// MARK: DropIn View Controller
public enum DropInViewController: LocalizableKey {
case successfulPayment
// MARK: Errors
public enum Errors: LocalizableKey {
case general
// MARK: CardNumberInputView
public enum CardNumberInputView: LocalizableKey {
case title
case placeholder
case error
case emptyError
// MARK: CVVInputView
public enum CVVInputView: LocalizableKey {
case title
case placeholder3
case placeholder4
case error
case emptyError
// MARK: ExpiryDateInputView
public enum ExpiryDateInputView: LocalizableKey {
case title
case placeholder
case error
case emptyError
// MARK: ExpiryDatePickerView
public enum ExpiryDatePickerView: LocalizableKey {
case month
case year
// MARK: AddCardButton
public enum AddCardButton: LocalizableKey {
case title
// MARK: Alerts
public enum Alerts: LocalizableKey {
case processing
// MARK: Challenge view
public enum ChallengeView: LocalizableKey {
case headerTitle
case headerCancelTitle
Where next?
Once you have initialised the SDK in your app, you should now be able to process test transactions.
Performing additional requests
For more advanced configurations, additional requests can be referenced in the Drop-In View Controller to perform additional actions.