Merchant Initiated Transactions reasons

  Last updated: 
Re-authorisations “A”

Transactions where you seek re-authorisation due to a previous authorisation expiring. e.g. When processing split shipments and the initial authorisation expired before all funds could be settled, meaning that you need to process a new authorisation to settle the remaining funds.

Unscheduled “C”

Unscheduled transactions that are triggered when a pre-defined event occurs. e.g. an account falling below a minimum balance.

Delayed charges “D”

Transactions where an additional charge is required after the original transaction has been completed. For example, in car hire, charging to refill the petrol tank. You must disclose your intention to do this to your customers beforehand.

Re-submissions “S”

Transactions where you resubmit an authorisation that was previously declined with acquirerresponsecode "51" (Insufficient funds) or acquirerresponsecode "05" (Do not honour).

No show “X”

Transactions where the customer is charged for not showing up for a reservation as per your terms and conditions. For example, in the hotel sector, charging a guest for failing to check in or cancel their booking by a specified time.

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