Record screencast

  Last updated: 


At any time, you can record a screencast of your Guest Insights application for downloading and sharing with your team. This utility lives entirely in the browser, meaning you don't need to download any additional software to get started.

  1. Click the   icon in the upper right and then "Record a screencast".

  2. In the overlay displayed, tick "Also record audio" if you would like to record a commentary using a connected microphone, otherwise click "Start recording!" to continue.

  3. Select whether to record your browser tab, a specific window or your entire display.

  4. You will have a red, 3-second countdown, after which the recording will begin.

     You can tell when the recording is in progress when a red dot is shown on the   icon in the upper right.

  5. Once you have finished your recording, click the   icon in the upper-right and then "Stop recording" (or alternatively press the escape key on your keyboard).

  6. You will now be displayed a new overlay where you can preview your recording. To download a copy of the video, click "Save video to disk".

      Videos are downloaded in WebM format.


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