Configure notifications for BigCommerce app

  Last updated: 

  Unfortunately, the product documented here is currently only available in English.

Follow the steps provided below to configure and enable URL notifications in Portal, to ensure the BigCommerce app is updated when transactions have been processed on your Trust Payments account. This updates the status of the order in BigCommerce app.

  It is imperative that you follow and complete the steps described below when configuring the app. Failure to do so will prevent orders from being processed.

  1. Sign in to Portal.

  2. Search for your Trust Payments sitereference using the search box found at the top of the page.

  3. When viewing your site details, click “Rule manager“.

  4. Select the action type “URL notification” from the drop-down and your browser will be redirected.

  5. Create a new URL notification rule:

    Add new condition
    (A) Click “Add new condition” and specify the circumstances in which the URL notification is to be triggered following a transaction. Ensure the following options are ticked:

    • In the Accounts box displayed, ensure "ECOM" and "MOTO" are ticked.
    • In the Error codes box displayed, ensure "0 - Ok" is ticked.

    Once saved, the condition will look like this in the Rule manager:

    Add new action
    (B) Click “Add new action” and specify the endpoint for the URL notification.

    • Ensure the settings displayed are configured as follows:
      • Action name: <Specify a recognisable name>
      • Use site security details: NO
      • Security algorithm: sha256
      • Notification password: Provide a password to prevent your notifications from being modified by unauthorised users. This password must match the value saved for the Notification password in the BigCommerce Trust Payments app Settings page, as documented in this article.
      • Pipe notification to browser: NO
      • Process notification: offline
      • Website address (URL):
      • Method: POST
    • You must also include the following Fields:
      • Error Code (errorcode)
      • Order Reference (orderreference)
      • Payment Type (paymenttypedescription)
      • Request Reference (requestreference)
      • Settle Status (settlestatus)
      • Site Reference (sitereference)
      • Transaction Reference (transactionreference)

    Once saved, the action will look like this in the Rule manager:

    Add new rule
    (C) Using the drop-down boxes, assign the condition to the action and click “Create rule“.

  6. Ensure the rule is active (this is shown with a tick under the Active column). Once enabled, the rule will be applied to all payment sessions for the given sitereference, and the URL notification will be triggered whenever the condition specified is met. Once enabled, no further steps are needed.

      All new rules should be created on your test sitereference and tested to ensure they work as expected before being added to your live sitereference.
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