
  Last updated: 


You can change the language and formatting of field names and messages displayed by your checkout in the browser, to better suit the needs of your international customers. Read on to learn how.



By updating the payload within the JWT include the locale field, you can easily update your checkout to display text according to the locale specified. This includes:

  • Translating field names (i.e. card number, expiry date and security code)
  • Translating the “Pay” button
  • Translating success or error messages displayed following a payment attempt

locale requires a language and country to be specified, in the format shown below. We support the following locales:

locale value Description
cy_GB Welsh, United Kingdom
da_DK Danish, Denmark
de_DE German, Germany
en_US English, United States
en_GB English, United Kingdom
es_ES Spanish, Spain
fr_FR French, France
it_IT Italian, Italy
nl_NL Dutch, The Netherlands
no_NO Norwegian, Norway
sv_SE Swedish, Sweden

(Payload example:)



Custom translations

You can specify custom translations for text displayed on the payment form. This will override the default labels and messages displayed.


  • Translate messages into languages we don’t currently accept as a supported locale (as listed above).
  • Provide alternative wording to the default phrases returned (e.g. to better reflect your brand’s voice).
  • Provide additional info that may be specific to your business (e.g. including an order reference).

  To learn more about custom translations, click here to view technical documentation.

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