Tokenization for Webservices API

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What is tokenization?

Tokenization is the process of storing card details and generating a token to be used to process transactions against the stored card details. Trust Payments stores the card details on a secure PCI-compliant server so merchants and partners do not need to store sensitive card numbers.


Technical overview

Payment - Tokenizing (Storing) card details - Cardholder Initiated Transaction

Python PHP cURL Raw JSON Raw XML
import securetrading

stconfig = securetrading.Config()
stconfig.username = ""
stconfig.password = "Password1^"
st = securetrading.Api(stconfig)

auth = {
"accounttypedescription": "MOTO",
"baseamount": "1050",
"credentialsonfile": "1",
"currencyiso3a": "GBP",
"expirydate": "01/35",
"requesttypedescriptions": ["AUTH"],
"orderreference": "order123456",
"pan": "4111111111111111",
"securitycode": "123",
"sitereference": "{{site_reference}}"

strequest = securetrading.Request()
stresponse = st.process(strequest) #stresponse contains the transaction response

No Payment - Tokenizing (Storing) card details - Cardholder Initiated Transaction

Python PHP cURL Raw JSON Raw XML
import securetrading

stconfig = securetrading.Config()
stconfig.username = ""
stconfig.password = "Password1^"
st = securetrading.Api(stconfig)

auth = {
"accounttypedescription": "MOTO",
"baseamount": "1050",
"credentialsonfile": "1",
"currencyiso3a": "GBP",
"expirydate": "01/35",
"orderreference": "order123456",
"pan": "4111111111111111",
"requesttypedescriptions": ["ACCOUNTCHECK"],
"securitycode": "123",
"sitereference": "{{site_reference}}"

strequest = securetrading.Request()
stresponse = st.process(strequest) #stresponse contains the transaction response

Payment - Tokenized (Stored) card details - Cardholder Initiated Transaction

Python PHP cURL Raw JSON Raw XML
import securetrading

stconfig = securetrading.Config()
stconfig.username = ""
stconfig.password = "Password1^"
st = securetrading.Api(stconfig)

auth = {
"accounttypedescription": "MOTO",
"baseamount": "1050",
"credentialsonfile": "2",
"currencyiso3a": "GBP",
"orderreference": "order123456",
"parenttransactionreference": "INSERT_PARENT_TRANSACTION_REFERENCE",
"requesttypedescriptions": ["AUTH"],
"sitereference": "{{site_reference}}"

strequest = securetrading.Request()
stresponse = st.process(strequest) #stresponse contains the transaction response


Related articles

What is Tokenization?

Learn about storing card details for use in future transactions.

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Recurring payments

Subsequent recurring payments using the tokenized card details can be processed using our Webservices API.

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Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT)

Submit ad-hoc requests to process a transaction from previously stored card details without cardholder interaction.

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Full documentation for our AUTH requests/responses.

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