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At the top of the processing view is a KPI ribbon showing a series of Key Performance Indicators and indicators for movement. These are colour-coded green for positive trends and red for negative, including an upward or downward arrow indicator respectively for accessibility.

  • TXN GBP MTD - This shows the total value of transactions processed so far this month in Pound Sterling (GBP). To ensure a fair comparison, the percentage change Month on Month ("MoM") shown beneath this is calculated by comparing the total value of transactions processed for the current Month To Date ("MTD"), to the total value of transactions processed over the same period of the preceding month.
  • TXN Count MTD - This shows the total count of transactions processed so far this month. The percentage change Month on Month ("MoM") is calculated in comparison to the transaction count of the preceding month. To ensure a fair comparison, the percentage change Month on Month ("MoM") shown beneath this is calculated by comparing the total transaction count for the current Month To Date ("MTD"), to the total transaction count processed over the same period of the preceding month.
  • TXN ATV MTD - This shows the Average Transaction Volume (ATV) of transactions processed so far this month in GBP. To ensure a fair comparison, the percentage change Month on Month ("MoM") shown beneath this is calculated by comparing the ATV calculated for the current Month To Date ("MTD"), to the corresponding ATV associated with the same period of the preceding month.
  • Approval Ratio - This shows the average approval ratio from yesterday. The percentage change Day on Day ("DoD") shown beneath this is calculated by comparing with the average approval ratio for the day before that.
  • Approval Ratio week - This shows the average approval ratio in the current week so far. The percentage change Week on Week ("WoW") is calculated in comparison to the average approval ratio for the week before.
  • Auth per min - The Authorisations per Minute (Auth per min) are calculated as authorisations for the day, divided by 24 hours * 60 minutes. The year average is calculated the same way while first the yearly value is divided by the days in the current year to date.
  • Decl Auth per min - The Declined Authorisations per Minute (Decl Auth per min) is calculated as declined authorisations for the day, divided by 24 hours * 60 minutes. The year average is calculated the same way while first the yearly value is divided by the days in the current year to date.
  • Min Appr Rat last 30d on - This displays the date that your account had the lowest approval rate in the last 30 days of transacting.


Approval Ratio

The "Approval Ratio" column shows a series of graphs that show approval ratios visually.

  • Days - The uppermost chart displays the total number of approvals and declines on each given day, overlayed with a line showing the daily trend of approval ratios. For each day, the approval ratio is calculated by taking the total number of approvals shown by the green bar and dividing this by the total number of transactions represented by the green and grey bars added together. This chart should be the first port-of-call for a tactical review of your exchange’s most recent performance – it answers the question, “how was my recent day-to-day performance?”.
  • Days by Scheme - If there is an immediate concern, then the next graph typically provides greater detail. It shows the same date range but splits the data out by card scheme (Visa and Mastercard). This can provide an additional level of insight into daily performance trends.
  • Weeks - Moving further down, there is a weekly-level view demonstrating day-by-day approval ratio performance for the previous 4 weeks, including the current week-to-date. This view is particularly useful during times of high volatility in the crypto market and typically answers the question, “how am I performing this week vs last week / the week before last”? If performance is negative, this graph can help you identify specific days you may wish to investigate.
  • Months - This graph highlights the monthly approval ratio performance, providing a longer-term, more strategic overview of the business, typically for consumption at the managerial or executive level. The "Month" line displays the approval ratio for the entirety of each month shown and the "MTD" (Month To Date) line instead only considers data logged up until the current date (e.g. if you are viewing data up until the 5th day of the current month, the "MTD" line will only compare data from 1st-5th of each previous month).
  • Years - This bar chart highlights the ratio performance for the year to date and compares it with previous years.


Decline reasons

The charts displayed in the "Decline reasons" column can be used to provide you with greater context as to why transactions are being declined:

  • Overall Distribution: Yesterday - The uppermost pie chart breaks down the reasons transactions declined yesterday into percentages.
  • DoD - The Day over Day (DoD) bar charts show the exact counts of the different decline reasons for yesterday and the day before. This chart focuses on decline reasons that have seen the most significant changes between the two days.
  • Monthly - Finally, the last chart shows the exact counts of the different decline reasons for this month so far and compares this to the preceding month.

  To avoid misleading comparisons, decline reasons with low volume are not shown, as highlighted in the footnote of each chart. The footnotes also outline any additional exclusions or notes.


TXN Volume GBP

The "TXN Volume GBP" column displays a series of graphs that show transaction volume in Pound Sterling (GBP).

  • Days - This bar chart shows the daily transaction volume for each day for the past 2 weeks in GBP. These are broken down by payments made using Visa and Mastercard schemes and also by debit and credit card transactions.
  • Weeks - This line graph shows the total transaction volume per day of the week to date compared to the 3 preceding weeks.
  • Months - This line graph shows the total transaction volume for both the full historical month and historical month-to-date position.
  • Months by Scheme - This bar chart shows the total transaction volume for each month since you started processing with us. These are broken down by payments made using Visa and Mastercard schemes (they do not include transactions made from other schemes).
  • Years - This bar chart highlights the transaction volume performance for the year to date and compares it with the total volume from previous years. This includes a plotting of "YTD" (Year To Date) values for each previous year, enabling comparison of the volume exclusively from the start of the year to the current date, with the same time frame from previous years.


ATV (Average Transaction Volume)

The graphs shown in the Average Transaction Value ("ATV") column show the total volume divided by total transactions:

  • Days - This bar chart shows the ATV for each day for the past 2 weeks. These are broken down by payments made using Visa and Mastercard schemes and also by debit and credit card transactions.
  • Weeks - This line graph shows the ATV per day of the week to date compared to the 3 preceding weeks.
  • Months - This line graph shows ATVs for both the full historical month and historical month-to-date position.
  • Months by Scheme - This bar chart shows the ATV for each month for the past 2 years. These are broken down by payments made using Visa and Mastercard schemes (they do not include transactions made from other schemes).
  • Years - This bar chart highlights the ATV performance for the year to date and compares it with previous years.


Transaction Volume GBP World Map

The transaction map view uses the card number to determine the country of origin. This should be understood as where the card was issued, rather than where the transaction took place. All transactions are converted to GBP using the daily rates supplied by the Mastercard card network to enable a fairer comparison.

Regarding your account specifically, the map provides a visual representation of transaction distribution around the world. Clicking the   icon beneath the map will trigger an animation that shows you how this distribution evolves over time. Alternatively, you can use the slider to manually focus on specific months. This feature is particularly useful to understand the success of entries into new markets.


BIN approvals

The Bank Identification Number (BIN) approvals section provides insights into individual issuer performance. The BIN is the first 4-6 digits of the card number. The first digit signifies the major industry or network identifier (e.g. all Visa cards globally begin with a 4). The remaining digits indicate the financial institution that issued the card, as well as data about the type of card in some cases. We use’s API service to look up this information.

The data shown under the "BIN approvals" heading relates to the date associated with the last full day of processing, as shown by "Last data" in the upper right of the page.

For each BIN, we provide:

  • Lost Appr - Estimated lost approvals on the date shown by "Last data". This represents expected approvals minus observed approvals. Expected approvals are calculated by taking the preceding day's authorisation count and multiplying this by the approval ratio of the last 13 weeks.
  • AR now - Approval Ratio on the date shown by "Last data".
  • Auths now - Number of authorisations processed on the date shown by "Last data".
  • Auths acpt now - Number of authorisations accepted on the date shown by "Last data".
  • AR 13w - Approval Ratio for the last 13 weeks.
  • Auths 13w - Number of authorisations processed over the last 13 weeks.
  • Auths acpt 13w - Number of authorisations accepted over the last 13 weeks.
  • Issuer - Card issuer.
  • Issuing Country - Country in which the card issuer is based.
  • Card Scheme - Card scheme.
  • Credit/Debit - Whether the card is a credit or debit card.

  "13w" refers to the 13 weeks of data before the last date available, and only BINs with the highest estimated lost approvals are shown.


TXN Count

The graphs shown in the "TXN Count" column show the total number of transactions processed:

  • Days - This bar chart shows the transaction count for each day for the past 2 weeks. These are broken down by payments made using Visa and Mastercard schemes and also by debit and credit card transactions.
  • Weeks - This line graph shows the transaction count per day of the week to date compared to the 3 preceding weeks.
  • Months - This line graph shows transaction counts for both the full historical month and historical month-to-date position.
  • Months by Scheme - This bar chart shows the transaction count for each month for the past 2 years. These are broken down by payments made using Visa and Mastercard schemes (they do not include transactions made from other schemes).
  • Years - This bar chart highlights the transaction count performance for the year to date and compares it with previous years.


Show raw data

Tick the "Show raw data" option at the bottom of the page to view all the data used to generate the graphs above. These are split into 4 tables:

  • The main raw data - This is the data used to generate the "Approval Ratio", "TXN Volume GBP", "ATV" and "TXN Count" columns.
  • Decline reasons raw data - This is the data used to generate the "Decline reasons" column.
  • Geography raw data - This is the data used to generate the "Transaction Volume GBP World Map" column.
  • BIN approvals raw data - This is the data used to generate the "BIN approvals" column.

You can use the buttons provided above each table to export this data, in either an Excel or CSV format, so you can then import this into your own system.


Next:   The Risk Tab    

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