Introduction to accounts

  Last updated: 

  Unfortunately, the product documented here is currently only available in English.

You can manage your Merchant Payment Accounts* using our Trust Payments MPA Portal. This allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Access detailed account information.
  • View the balance and list of transactions of any account.
  • View the total balance of all accounts.
  • View detailed transaction information.
  • Generate statements.
  • Add multiple new accounts with the same or different currencies.
  • Cancel account and continue to view - The account is fully cancelled but remains visible on the platform with read-only functions.
  • Cancel account and remove from view - The account is fully cancelled and permanently removed from the platform.

  Cancelled accounts will remain visible in the Trust Payments MPA Portal.

After onboarding, users are presented with the available currencies to open their accounts.


Start with the Business Dashboard

The Business Dashboard will show the 3 accounts with the most recent transactions and allow you to “Add” an account. You will also see a new Global Balance across all your accounts. You can select the currency that you want this to be displayed in and we get real time FX rates from



*Powered by Modulr Finance

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