Site security for PrestaShop Addon

  Last updated: 

  Unfortunately, the product documented here is currently only available in English.


To protect your payments from unauthorised modification, you will need to follow the steps on this page to enable site security on your Trust Payments account. If the customer or any unauthorised third party attempts to modify any transaction attributes (e.g. changing the amount they are to pay) while on the checkout, this will affect the site security data we receive from the addon and we will block the payment. Once enabled, the addon seamlessly handles this process behind the scenes to protect your account. Read on to learn how to configure site security.


  Before proceeding, please contact our Support Team

  • Our Support Team will enable site security on your site reference and will advise you on how to best configure your account.
  • As part of this process, you will need to inform the Support Team of the following designated fields that are required for the PrestaShop addon when they are configuring your account (fields must be shared in the order provided):
    • currencyiso3a, mainamount, sitereference, settlestatus, settleduedate, authmethod, paypaladdressoverride, strequiredfields, version, stprofile, ruleidentifier, stdefaultprofile, successfulurlredirect, declinedurlredirect, successfulurlnotification, declinedurlnotification, merchantemail, allurlnotification, stextraurlnotifyfields, stextraurlredirectfields, credentialsonfile, requesttypedescriptions
  • You will also need to agree on a password with our Support Team and enter this into the addon settings as described below. If you need to change this password, you will need to contact Support to action this.

  How to access

  1. Sign in to the PrestaShop back office.
  2. From the navigation on the left, click Module > Modules Manager.
  3. Find the Trust Payments addon and click "Configure".
  4. Under the “Payment Pages Settings” heading, enable site security using the toggle provided and the "Site Security Password" field should now be visible.
  5. In the "Site Security Password" field, enter the password agreed with the Support Team.
  6. Click "Save" at the bottom of the page to save your changes.


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